As Christians, we know that we should love our enemies. But how exactly?
This is not a new problem. Christians have struggled to love their enemies — and each other — since Jesus gave that command.
It can feel impossible to change how we personally interact with people with whom we disagree. It can feel even more impossible to change organizational norms around conflict.
Scripture invites us out of a degenerative, degrading, demonizing path, and into a life-giving, life-affirming vision. WayFinder reinvigorates the imagination for Christian unity, and then provides a practical path with evidence-based practices that are grounded in research.
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Have a question or a suggestion for the newsletter or about The Colossian Forum? Email us at’s not impossible. There’s a way. Fittingly, we call it WayFinder.
WayFinder is a methodology that helps Christians reflect Christ’s example, especially in times of conflict.
This approach isn’t simple or easy. While it’s important to gain tools like better communication methods, that’s the easy part. Real change requires a shift in our hearts toward others. Without that, even the best tools can just protect our own interests in more sophisticated ways.
People often experience the WayFinder methodology through one of our organizational workshops. These workshops always start with forming our hearts, and often increase in complexity as we layer in institutional systems and cultural factors.
Ultimately, this work transforms hearts and conflict cultures.

Your deepest disagreements can fuel your growth in the Fruit of the Spirit.
The ideas in WayFinder aren’t hard to understand, but can be difficult to internalize and put into action. People are encouraged to go beyond understanding the concepts by inviting the Holy Spirit to work on their hearts.
With a re-formed heart comes a new way of being in the world. WayFinder provides a researched-backed methodology for people who want to do a better job at loving people in conflict.
Healthy conflict cultures view conflict as a growth opportunity.
When conflict is handled poorly by communities, organizations, and institutions, there’s a great cost. Harm is done. People retreat. And it typically undermines the organization’s ability to achieve its core mission.
WayFinder teaches leaders healthy practices for leading organizational conflict transformation. Organizations that participate in WayFinder develop new practices around how they engage conflict, resulting in decreased destructive conflict behaviors, and an increase in growth and flourishing.
Learn more about Christian Conflict Transformation.

How you can work with us.
We believe in meeting people where they are. That’s why we’ve developed offerings to meet individual, small group, and organizational needs.
Whether you want to listen to our podcast on your drive home, access free resources to help you facilitate challenging conversations, participate in a small group study, host a speaker at your event, or set up an organization-wide workshop, we have options.