The way to a united community begins here.
Whether you need support around conflict transformation for your church, school, nonprofit, or other type of organization, we have options to meet you where you are. We also offer resources for families, individuals, and leaders.
Joining you where you are
WayFinder can transform your organization’s conflict culture. Our trainers help organizations just like yours develop the mindset and practices for lasting change. From two-hour to two-day engagements, we’ll offer the best way forward based on your organization’s needs.

Inspiring your community
We welcome the opportunity to speak to your church, school, or organization. We’ve led adult education, school chapels, conference keynotes, and everything in between. Our speakers deliver content with humility and courage, provoking hope and new ideas.

One-on-one support
Engaging division in new ways can’t be done alone. We offer coaching to equip leaders with practices that invite Christians into deeper relationships in their community thereby increasing the spiritual health of individuals and organizations.

Growing our love together
One Anothering and The Colossian Way discussion guides help groups talk about a specific polarizing topic (like politics). Together, groups experience moments that deepen love for God and for one another.

Free online course
Through a partnership with Fuller Seminary, you can discover how to view conflict as an opportunity. It’s a three-hour virtual class that is self-paced. We recommend this introduction to our work if you are in church leadership or for anyone looking for a practical guide for conflict transformation.

A podcast about hope and beauty
Practicing Hope is a podcast for Christians looking for honest conversations about the brokenness and beauty in the world. Hosted by your friends at The Colossian Forum, you’ll learn about reconciliation, transformation, and new ways to practice hope.