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Practicing Hope Podcast

Pastor Troy Hatfield: Leap of Faith Movie Conversations

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Show Notes

In a culture that demands certainty—especially in the public sphere of social media and ministry—Pastor Troy Hatfiled talks with Ashlee Eiland in today’s episode of Leap of Faith Movie Conversations about the relief that comes with acknowledging one’s limitations. Troy and Ashlee discuss the vulnerability it takes to admit “I don’t know” and why spaces for honest, open dialogue are so vital, both in the church and in our personal relationships.

Troy shares a vulnerable moment from the filming of the LEAP OF FAITH movie that led to a significant breakthrough in his own journey toward authenticity. He reflects on how the simple act of admitting uncertainty in the presence of others can foster connection, trust, and deeper spiritual growth.

In this episode, Troy and Ashlee discuss:

  • The practice of “going toward” others in moments of tension or disagreement

  • The cultural pressure to have strong opinions and convictions about everything

  • The shared responsibility of the community in bearing witness to one another’s stories and struggles

This episode isn’t just for pastors or ministry leaders—it’s for anyone who’s longing for practical wisdom on how to lead with grace, how to embrace the messy, difficult parts of life and leadership, and how to create spaces where honesty can flourish.