Even amidst intense division within our communities, Christ calls us to


We are commanded to love our neighbor, but how can we do this when we fundamentally Disagree?

In our churches and small groups, even on our Facebook feeds, we often surround ourselves with those who share our values and our opinions. When we encounter another Christian who holds a different belief around politics, human sexuality, or the roles of women and men, it’s easier to question their faith and conviction, rather than examine our own.

BUT what if there was a place and process to learn how to disagree in ways that build up the Body of Christ, rather than further dividing us?

Grow in faith as you engage across difference

Conflict provides opportunities for deep discipleship. The Colossian Way small group curriculum provides formative practices to transform cultural conflicts into moments to grow together and foster deeper connections.

Navigate divisive topics together rather than avoiding them

In The Colossian Way, groups faithfully engage a specific polarizing topic: Sexuality, Political Talk, Origins, or Women and Men. The small groups are not designed to come to a consensus, but to deepen the group’s love for one another and for God through disagreement.

Feel confident in leading other Christians through conflict

The Colossian Way is a step-by-step curriculum that provides everything you need to lead your group through culturally divisive topics. Each facilitator is equipped with a vision and structure to guide Christ-honoring conversations and introduce deeply Christian practices.

Recognize God’s Image in Others

View other group members as made in the image of God, and deeply loved.

Establish Deeper Connection in Christ

Reaffirm unity through Christ without requiring uniformity of opinion.

Grow Spiritually Through Controversial Topics

Utilize divisive topics as a springboard for spiritual growth and Christian witness.

Discover Renewed Trust in Scripture

Find new ways to experience the true reconciling power of the Gospel within your group.


Download a Curriculum Sample

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See more of The Colossian Way by downloading one of our curriculum samples on the topic of your choice. This free example of the small group experience provides a glimpse of how each session will operate through excerpts from the facilitator guide and participant workbook, sample videos, and an overview of the complete curriculum.


Let us know your needs

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As you begin your Colossian Way journey, connect with our Relationships Team to ask any questions about the small group experience. We’d be happy to help you along the path to discovering how The Colossian Way can help your community find unity by engaging division.


Complete the Online Facilitator Training

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In less than two hours, learn how to guide your church through The Colossian Way. Master the core concepts of the curriculum and prepare to lead small groups in your community in the transforming power of conflict.


Purchase Physical or Digital Materials

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Colossian Way small group kits come with everything you need to lead your Christian community through conflict around a topic of your choice. Each kit provides two Facilitator Guides and 12 Participant Workbooks that equip groups to explore diverse Christian perspectives in 10 Biblically grounded sessions. All curricula are also available as eBooks.